Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Komunikasi Bisnis (Softskill)

Business Communication

Business communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions that have a specific purpose that is served in a personal or impersonal through symbols or signal. Understanding of business communication from some experts:
1.      According to Katz, business communication is an act that allows the exchange of ideas, messages and concepts related to the achievement of commercial objectives
2.      Meanwhile, according to S. Rosenblatt Bernand, business communication is a process of exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions. Where it is expressed both personal and non-personal which is expressed through signs. This is done to achieve the company's goals.
There are six main elements in business communication:
1.      Having a goal, meaning that business communication must have previously set objectives in line with organizational goals.
2.      Exchange, in this case involves at least two people or more the communicator.
3.      Ideas, opinion, information, instruction is the content of messages that shape vary depending on the purpose, situation, and condition.
4.      Using a personal or impersonal channels that may be face to face, use a particular media through which to reach millions of people simultaneously.
5.      Using symbol or signal which is a tool or method that can be understood by the receiver to convey the message.
6.      Achievement of organizational goals: one of the distinguishing characteristics of a formal organization or institution is the purpose of information predetermined by management.

Dellarosa Mentari
3 SA 01

The Advertisement of Mintz Candy

I will give a comment about one of the television commercial in Indonesia, that is, Mintz. Mintz is a candy ad that has a mint flavor gum that I think is very bad. This ad about a young man who was biting a pencil and then suddenly there was a picture of the billboard products from candy Mintz and then the young man turned into candy eating these products. Firstly, from display ads that tend ancient or modern and tend economical by using a simple property. Secondly, a low level of creativity. The slogan of the ads Is “Ini pensil, ini permen Mintz. Daripada gigit pensil mending gigit Mintz” all human beings in this world knows that the pencil is an inanimate object that is not to bitten or eaten. It is not worth it if a pencil compared with a candy. The concept of this ad is totally invisible and the mode of delivery is also very bad for the consumer.

Dellarosa Mentari

3 SA 01