Selasa, 27 November 2012

The Cheap Fare and The Cheap Security

The Cheap Fare and The Cheap Security

TransJakarta or commonly called busway is a bus rapid transport system in Jakarta, Indonesia. The system is modeled based on the successful TransMilenio system in Bogota, Colombia. Busway plan was started in 1997 by consultants from the UK.  At that time it was scheduled bus runs contrary to traffic flow (contra flow) so that lines are not appropriated another vehicle, but was canceled in consideration of traffic safety. Although Busway in Jakarta imitate other countries (Colombia, Japan, Australia), but Jakarta has the most and the longest lines.
TransJakarta ticket fare is Rp. 3500 (December 2006) per trip. Passengers moving point and / or transit across the corridor did not have to pay an additional fare provided it does not get out of the shelter. For passengers who purchase tickets at 5-7 am in the morning, they can obtain tickets at a more economical price of Rp. 2,000.
The Chairman of the Advocacy Indonesia (MTI), Dharmaningtyas, assess TransJakarta bus fare should be increased. Because, he said, since it was first operated on seven years ago, had never been on the busway fare.
"Rates ideal TransJakarta per passenger is Rp 4,000. Amount is deemed still accessible to the public. However also not too political, because it does not rely too much on subsidies from the city administration," said Darmaningtyas in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 4, 2012
But if the rate of transjakarta increased to Rp 4,000. It is still very cheap for the people in Jakarta. But you know, behind the cheapness of Transjakarta rates, security in the busway even this is relatively 'cheap'. Such as many sexual harassment occur  on the bus.  Sexual harassment occurring within Transjakarta increased 100 percent compared to 2010. In 2011 were recorded 8 cases of sexual harassment, an increase from last year's total of 4 cases. Although I am not a transjakarta’s user, but I am quite concerned with the accident like this.
TransJakarta Public Service Agency said the increase in sexual harassment caused by the addition of the corridor into 10 corridors as well as an increase in the number of passengers. Various forms of sexual harassment are often accepted by women on the bus transJakarta. High of immoral acts of sexual harassment on the bus  transJakarta , making PT Public Service Agency (BLU) Transjakarta plans to separate men and women passengers. He will listen to the separation of passengers in the bus. If the passengers get a good response then BLU TransJakarta will impose this on all the corridors in the hope of pressing the wanton acts on the bus. Currently the separation of passengers carried in PT BLU TransJakarta still manually. For male passenger was placed in the back of the bus, while the female passenger was in the front.
I hope this rule must continue. So, all the passengers can feel the comfortable, especially for women passengers.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

The Korean Students Dead Fall Accidentally

A student of Indonesia University were dead fell from the 18th floor. South Korea National student, Joen Moosong, 32, was found dead on the terrace base Margonda Residence Apartments on Saturday night, 17 November 2012 at around 23:00. The condition of his body is so pathetic and bleeding.
The victim allegedly slipped while in a terrace apartment. 
The police are still investigating the death of the victim. Police are still questioning a number of friends of the victim as a witness to support investigations. Based on some of the testimony of witnesses, had heard a noise from the victim's room before the event. In just a few minutes, then the sound of the falling objects boom that immediately followed the screams hysterically around.
Police Chief Beji, Depok, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Agus Widodo said he did not know the cause of death of the Korean. Alleged while, he was killed in a fall from the terrace of his room on the 18th floor apartment. "We're still investigating," said Agus. 
The police put police line to sterilize appropriate events for further investigation. The body Joen Moosong currently in Kramat Jati Police Hospital in East Jakarta, for autopsy.

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Interesting Places In Belgium

When we are heard about the word Belgium, name that comes to our mind is chocolate, waffles, and a tall tower. But not only that, in the capital city of Belgium that is Brussel, there are many unique places.


Atomium the building is located on the outskirts of Brussels, precisely in the Heysel / Heizel. To reach this place, from the Gare du Midi, you can take the metro (subway) line 6 direction Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn and get off at the station Heysel / Heizel. When the weather was sunny with blue skies without a cloud clean. Atomium looks more charming. Atomium is a monument as high as 102 meters, consisting of nine metal balls connected by a steel rod 20 to form the iron atom crystal.
The monument was designed by André Waterkeyn was built in 1958 ahead of the Brussels Expo 1958. Nine metal ball atomium embodies nine atoms of iron crystal magnified 150 billion times. The whole ball has had different functions. The first ball to space information, ticket booth, and exhibit space, a second ball technical area, the third ball bar, ball four function rooms, exhibition halls fifth ball, sixth ball play area for the kids and the last ball of the restaurant and view point , where we can see the charming panorama of the city from a height of Brussels. Atomium admission price for adults is € 11 (about Rp132.000), student / student and seniors € 8, while children (under 12 years) € 6.


Satisfied admire the splendor of the Atomium, we take the metro to the city center of Brussels. Our goal this time is the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula or in French name Cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule. It was easy to find the cathedral, because the shape of the building with a tower that stands 64 meters tall and its strategic location near Central Station. This gothic cathedral is the most important Catholic Cathedral in Belgium.  
Name cathedral is taken from the name of the Patron Saint of Brussels City, St. Michael and St. Gudula. The Cathedral was completed in 1047. However, the front facade of the new cathedral was completed in the mid-fifteenth century. Until now, the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula still used as a place of Catholic worship. Visitors are not charged to enter the cathedral, but should wear modest clothes. Take a picture of the cathedral is also allowed origin using the flash (flash).


Anyone say, you are have not come to Brussels yet if you are not visited the Grand Place. So you do not miss a visit to the plaza that became the landmark of Brussels. When you arrived, the atmosphere in the place is packed with tourists crowded. No wonder, the Grand Place is the main tourist destination in Brussels. Surrounded by old buildings with architecture so charming, making the Grand Place be famous everywhere and never lonely tourists throughout the year. Any season we came, the square is always crowded with tourists. Some beautiful buildings here include Hotel de Ville ', King's House, and the Guild House.

Grand Place
De Ville hotel looks most prominent thanks to its towering steeple gothic architecture. The building is included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage, is now used as City Hall of Brussels (Town Hall). Across the de Ville hotel there is a King's House. The Dutch call it Broodhuis (Bread House) because this place was once used by traders to sell bread rolls and pastries wares. While the Guild House is sort of apartment-office space can be leased or owned by individuals. Now, Guild House is widely used for cafes and restaurants.


Saw a lot of waffle vendor stalls are scattered around the Grand Place. we shall taste it, as if a visit to Brussels without tastes the typical food, it feels very loss for us. Moreover, many say that the Belgian waffle is the most delicious waffle in the world.
LiWafel Belgium
To prove the delights of Belgian waffles, we had to queue up at a waffle shop with the other tourists. And in fact, this statement is not exaggerated. Belgian waffle was delicious beyond measure. It was crisp with a soft and creamy texture. The price is affordable, only € 1.50 (about Rp 18.000) if we choose the original flavor of Brussels waffles (use powdered sugar topping).

If you want to add other toppings such as chocolate, bananas, strawberries, or ice cream, you just add a few euros. The more toppings it, the more expensive. Actually the food is not typical Belgian waffles. Cakes shaped line pattern of these boxes can be found in a number of European countries such as Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and even the United States. It's just that, each country has characteristics of each. The most delicious Belgian Waffles famous than others. So, the obligatory tasting Belgian waffles when visiting Brussels.



Kemerdekaan berpendapat, berekspresi,  dan pers adalah hak asasi manusia yang dilindungi Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, dan Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia PBB. Kemerdekaan  pers adalah sarana masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi dan berkomunikasi, guna memenuhi kebutuhan hakiki  dan meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia. Dalam mewujudkan kemerdekaan pers itu, wartawan Indonesia juga menyadari adanya kepentingan bangsa, tanggung jawab sosial, keberagaman masyarakat, dan norma-norma agama. Dalam melaksanakan fungsi, hak, kewajiban dan peranannya, pers menghormati hak asasi setiap orang, karena itu pers dituntut profesional  dan terbuka untuk dikontrol oleh masyarakat.  
Untuk menjamin kemerdekaan pers dan  memenuhi hak publik untuk memperoleh informasi yang benar, wartawan Indonesia memerlukan landasan moral dan etika profesi sebagai pedoman operasional  dalam menjaga kepercayaan publik dan menegakkan integritas serta profesionalisme. Atas dasar itu,  wartawan Indonesia menetapkan dan menaati Kode Etik Jurnalistik: 

Pasal 1 
Wartawan Indonesia bersikap independen, menghasilkan berita yang akurat, 
berimbang, dan tidak beritikad buruk.  


a. Independen berarti memberitakan peristiwa atau fakta sesuai dengan suara hati nurani tanpa campur tangan, paksaan, dan intervensi dari pihak lain termasuk pemilik perusahaan pers.  
b. Akurat berarti dipercaya benar sesuai keadaan objektif ketika peristiwa terjadi. 
c. Berimbang berarti semua pihak mendapat kesempatan setara. 
d. Tidak beritikad buruk berarti tidak ada niat secara sengaja dan semata-mata untuk menimbulkan kerugian pihak lain. 

Pasal 2 
Wartawan Indonesia menempuh cara-cara yang profesional dalam 
melaksanakan tugas jurnalistik.


Cara-cara yang profesional adalah: 
a. menunjukkan identitas diri kepada narasumber;  
b. menghormati hak privasi;  
c. tidak menyuap; 
d. menghasilkan berita yang faktual dan jelas sumbernya; 
e. rekayasa pengambilan dan pemuatan atau penyiaran gambar, foto, suara dilengkapi dengan keterangan tentang sumber dan ditampilkan secara berimbang; 
f. menghormati pengalaman traumatik narasumber dalam penyajian gambar, foto, suara; 
g. tidak melakukan plagiat, termasuk menyatakan hasil liputan wartawan lain sebagai karya sendiri; 
h. penggunaan cara-cara tertentu dapat dipertimbangkan untuk  peliputan berita investigasi bagi kepentingan publik. PROFESI WARTAWAN

Pasal 3 
Wartawan Indonesia selalu menguji informasi, memberitakan secara berimbang, tidak mencampurkan fakta dan opini yang menghakimi, serta menerapkan asas praduga tak bersalah.  


a. Menguji informasi berarti melakukan  check and recheck tentang kebenaran 
informasi itu. 
b. Berimbang adalah memberikan ruang atau waktu pemberitaan kepada masing-masing pihak secara proporsional.  
c. Opini yang menghakimi adalah pendapat pribadi wartawan. Hal ini berbeda dengan opini interpretatif, yaitu pendapat yang berupa interpretasi wartawan atas fakta.  
d. Asas praduga tak bersalah adalah prinsip tidak menghakimi seseorang.  
Pasal 4 
Wartawan Indonesia tidak membuat berita bohong, fitnah, sadis, dan cabul.  


a. Bohong berarti sesuatu yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya oleh wartawan sebagai hal yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang terjadi. 
b. Fitnah berarti tuduhan tanpa dasar yang dilakukan secara sengaja dengan niat buruk.  
c. Sadis berarti kejam dan tidak mengenal belas kasihan. 
d. Cabul berarti penggambaran tingkah laku secara erotis dengan foto, gambar, suara, grafis atau tulisan yang semata-mata untuk membangkitkan nafsu birahi. 
e. Dalam penyiaran gambar dan suara dari  arsip, wartawan mencantumkan waktu pengambilan gambar dan suara. 

Pasal 5 
Wartawan Indonesia tidak menyebutkan dan menyiarkan identitas korban 
kejahatan susila dan tidak menyebutkan  identitas anak yang menjadi pelaku 


a. Identitas adalah semua data dan informasi yang menyangkut diri seseorang yang memudahkan orang lain untuk melacak. 
b. Anak adalah seorang yang berusia kurang dari 16 tahun dan belum menikah. 
Pasal 6 
Wartawan Indonesia tidak menyalahgunakan profesi dan tidak menerima suap. 


a. Menyalahgunakan profesi adalah segala tindakan yang mengambil keuntungan pribadi  atas informasi yang diperoleh saat bertugas sebelum informasi tersebut menjadi pengetahuan umum. 
b. Suap adalah segala pemberian dalam bentuk uang, benda atau fasilitas dari pihak lain yang mempengaruhi independensi. 

Pasal 7 
Wartawan Indonesia memiliki hak tolak untuk melindungi narasumber yang 
tidak bersedia diketahui identitas maupun keberadaannya, menghargai 
ketentuan embargo, informasi latar belakang, dan “off the record” sesuai dengan kesepakatan.  


a. Hak tolak adalak hak untuk tidak mengungkapkan identitas dan keberadaan 
narasumber demi keamanan narasumber dan keluarganya.  
b. Embargo adalah penundaan  pemuatan atau penyiaran berita sesuai dengan 
permintaan narasumber. PROFESI WARTAWAN
c. Informasi latar belakang adalah segala informasi atau data dari narasumber yang disiarkan atau diberitakan tanpa menyebutkan narasumbernya. 
d. “Off the record” adalah segala informasi atau data dari narasumber yang tidak boleh disiarkan atau diberitakan. 

Pasal 8
Wartawan Indonesia tidak menulis atau menyiarkan berita berdasarkan 
prasangka atau diskriminasi terhadap seseorang atas dasar perbedaan suku, ras, warna kulit, agama, jenis kelamin, dan bahasa serta tidak merendahkan 
martabat orang lemah, miskin, sakit, cacat jiwa atau cacat jasmani. 


a. Prasangka adalah  anggapan yang kurang baik mengenai sesuatu sebelum 
mengetahui secara jelas. 
b. Diskriminasi adalah pembedaan perlakuan. 

Pasal 9 
Wartawan Indonesia menghormati hak narasumber tentang kehidupan 
pribadinya, kecuali untuk kepentingan publik. 


a. Menghormati hak narasumber adalah sikap menahan diri dan berhati-hati.  
b. Kehidupan pribadi adalah segala segi kehidupan seseorang dan keluarganya selain yang terkait dengan kepentingan publik.  

Pasal 10 
Wartawan Indonesia segera mencabut,  meralat, dan memperbaiki berita yang 
keliru dan tidak akurat disertai dengan permintaan maaf kepada pembaca, 
pendengar, dan atau pemirsa. 


a. Segera berarti tindakan dalam waktu secepat mungkin, baik karena ada maupun tidak ada teguran dari pihak luar. 
b. Permintaan maaf disampaikan apabila kesalahan terkait dengan substansi pokok. 

Pasal 11 
Wartawan Indonesia melayani hak jawab dan hak koreksi secara proporsional. 


a. Hak jawab adalah hak seseorang atau  sekelompok orang untuk memberikan tanggapan atau sanggahan terhadap pemberitaan berupa fakta yang merugikan nama baiknya. 
b. Hak koreksi adalah hak setiap orang untuk membetulkan kekeliruan informasi yang diberitakan oleh pers, baik tentang dirinya maupun tentang orang lain. 
c. Proporsional berarti setara dengan bagian berita yang perlu diperbaiki.  
Penilaian akhir atas pelanggaran kode etik jurnalistik dilakukan Dewan Pers.  
Sanksi atas pelanggaran kode etik jurnalistik dilakukan oleh  
organisasi wartawan dan atau perusahaan pers.