Basic Social Sciences is a compulsory subject, as the General Basic Courses, science has a role in the formation of professional competence of university graduates. And its a single course materials at the ready fatherly attitude and personality development. Basic Social Science are expected to develop reasoning the reader to confront the existing social environment in the country of Indonesia. It disciplines is a combination of social sciences are in use in approach and solving social problems that arise in the community.
Basic Social Science is the subject of analysis various social phenomena of society with all its dynamics and its implications from the viewpoint of basic study of the philosophy of science. Human Beings social course not possible to separate her life with another human being. Already no secret That all forms of culture, way of life, and the system community formed by the interaction and conflict of interest the between one. Humans with other Humans. Since Prehistoric times to the history, people various been busy with the creation of rules and norms in the life their groups. That creation science in various proven knowledge plays a significant role.
· Understand and recognize the social realities and social problems that exist in society.
· Realizing that any social problems arising in society are always complex and can only approach it (to learn).
· Understanding the drawing this way of thinking of experts of other fields of science and can communicate with them drawing this order to control social problems that arise in society.
Definition of Basic Social Science
Basic Social Science is the knowledge of who examines social issues,particularly the problems manifested by the people of Indonesia who, by using (facts, concepts, theories) that originate from various fields of knowledge of expertise in the field of social sciences (such as Social Geography, Sociology ,Social Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Social Psychology and History).
Basic social science itself is not a combination of other social sciences are combined because the basic social sciences do not have the object and the scientific method itself and not to develop an assessment and research as other social sciences.
Basic Social Sciences is a business that can be expected to provide general knowledge and basic knowledge of the concepts developed to complement thesocial phenomena that responsiveness (response value), perception andreasoning of students in the face of the social environment can be improved, so that the sensitivity of students in social environment becomes greater.
Basic Social Sciences is a business that can be expected to provide general knowledge and basic knowledge of the concepts developed to complement thesocial phenomena that responsiveness (response value), perception andreasoning of students in the face of the social environment can be improved, so that the sensitivity of students in social environment becomes greater.
The source of all knowledge is in philosophy, both natural sciences and social sciences judging from its development stems from the philosophy of science.
Science itself is not only the social sciences alone will, however, there are 3 major groups:
· Natural science: that includes the learning of Physics, Chemistry, Astrology and others associated with the environment.
· Social science: learning that discusses the problem of interaction between people. Example: Sociology, Politics, etc.
· Culture of science: the study of culture of culture of community life in certain areas that have a distinctive style. Examples: Language, Literature, Religion
The scope of the Basic Social Sciences include the following:
· Social realities that occur in society, social reality is sometimes a difference between public pergejolakan even though experts
· Social concepts are limited by the basic concepts such as diversity. we realize that every human being has similarities and differences in patterns of thinking
· The problems that arise in the social life of society are interlinked with each other
Below Basic Materials Social Sciences subjects can be divided into three groups:
1. Social realities that exist in society, which together constitute a particular social problem.
2. Social concepts are limited to basic or elementary concepts are indispensable for learn problem-discussed social problems in the social sciences, for example:
Diversity and social unity contradicts the concept of the two concepts mentioned above, then we could understand, and we realize that in society there is always the:
· Equation and differences in patterns of thought and behavior patterns individualatau either group or class.
· Similarities and differences in interests
Social problems which arise within society are usually involved in various social realities berkaitan.Konsorsium between the field has determined that the social science foundation course consists of 8 subjects:
· A variety of population problems in relation to the development of society and culture
· Problems Individuals, families, and communities
· Youth problems and socialization
· Problems of the relationship between citizens and the State
· Issues of social and equality coating
· Problems of urban and rural society
· The issue of social contradictions and intgrasi
· Use science and technology for prosperity and welfare of the communi
In summary, learn the Basic Social Sciences of the college's very important to create awareness of social problems that occur in society. Students can find a good way to overcome all these social problems. Realize that any social problems that arise within the community must be sustainable and interdispliner. Sensitive to social issues and responsive to participate in efforts to eradicate.
College courses can add to Basic Social Sciences in their lectures, both at the State University or private. So that the sensitivity level students in social issues can be increased greater than previously so that the social problems that exist in society can be overcome by good.